Strategies for financing your education, from finding scholarships to exploring loan forgiveness.
There are some pretty significant scholarship opportunities for aspiring teachers in Dallas-Fort Worth. For example, the Charles Butt Scholarship offers $8,000/year for up to four years, as well as professional support through and after completing your training. Multiple universities in Texas offer the scholarship, including UNT Dallas and SMU Simmons.
In addition to what you will find in our Scholarship & Financial Aid Explorer, there’s a whole universe of other scholarship, financial aid and loan opportunities relevant for anyone pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees across the U.S. Higher education institutions use financial aid applications, such as FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to determine student eligibility for federal and state aid.
If you teach for "high-demand" schools or subjects like math, science and special education, the federal government and many states have created programs to forgive some or all of your student loans.
For starters, check out Texas Education Agency's Federal Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program.
Whether you’re in high school, college or graduate school, there are lots of opportunities that you may be eligible for.
Visit Scholarships & Financial Aid to find opportunities in DFW.
You can avoid having to pay tuition for a graduate school program by completing all of the coursework and training that you need to become a certified teacher as part of your bachelor’s degree.
Sometimes, it’s as simple as majoring in education; other times there are “blended” programs where you complete teaching certification requirements separate from your major.
Head over to Getting Certified for the details.
If you have a bachelor’s degree, but haven’t completed a teacher preparation program, you can explore alternative certification programs that allow you to take coursework while you start working in the classroom.
Some programs follow a hands-on “residency” program, where you may earn a stipend as a teacher-in-training before leading a classroom, while others provide an opportunity to work as a full-time teacher once you complete your pre-service training.
Our Program Explorer helps you compare options in DFW.
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