The mission of Texas A&M University’s Teacher Education Program is to develop exemplary educators who engage in student-centered teaching practices, ethical behaviors, and the continuous study of learning and teaching.
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Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (6-12) Art (Pre-K-12) Bilingual Education / Spanish Supplemental Chemistry (7-12) Core Subjects (4-8) Core Subjects (Pre-K-6) English Language Arts and Reading (4-8) English Language Arts and Reading (7-12) English Language Arts and Reading / Social Studies (4-8) English as a Second Language Supplemental Family & Consumer Sciences (6-12) French (Pre-K-12) Gifted & Talented Supplemental Health (Pre-K-12) Health / Science (6-12) History (7-12) Hospitality, Nutrition and Food Sciences (8-12) Human Development and Family Studies (8-12) Journalism (7-12) Life Science (7-12)
The mission of Texas A&M University’s Teacher Education Program is to develop exemplary educators who engage in student-centered teaching practices, ethical behaviors, and the continuous study of learning and teaching. Texas A&M University – Commerce offers many educator preparation pathways: 1. TAMUC’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction offers both the Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies and Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies degrees. 2. TAMUC also offers a Field-Based Teacher Education Program, a certification program that strives to create high quality teachers who have the knowledge and skills to educate PreK-12 students, and who also will remain in the profession for many years. The certification program is offered through the Northeast Texas Center for Professional Development and Teaching (NET CPDT), a collaborative partnership composed of TAMUC and approximately 40 public school partner districts committed to the improvement of teaching and learning. 3. Additionally, in partnership with Mesquite ISD, Dallas ISD and Dallas Teacher Residency, students who have bachelor’s degrees but lack teacher certification can receive a Master of Education in the Art of Teaching degree and a teaching certificate in 18 months.
Applicant Info
Texas A&M University-Commerce is ranked 4th in the state of Texas in teacher production and first year teacher retention rates outpace both private and public teacher preparation institutions at elementary, middle, and high school settings. To aid in students’ success, students are required to complete an admission screening and meet with assigned advisors.
The estimated tuition and fees for a commuter student is around $8,000 for the full year, assuming enrollment in 15 hours for each semester. The cost of attendance for a full time undergraduate student living on campus is $20,617 and includes tuition and mandatory fees, books and supplies, room and board, etc. Financial aid is available to students who qualify. Approximately 51% of A&M-Commerce students receive financial aid.
Program Hallmarks
Preservice Teachers (PSTs) in TAMUC’s field-based program spend a full year under the guidance of two mentor teachers at two different grade levels as well as the university supervisor in the PreK- 8 classrooms. The first semester (internship) provides two days per week in the school land a third day of seminar with the university faculty in order to refine teaching practices and connect theory and practice. In the final semester (residency) of the senior year, the PST is practicing under the mentor teachers and with support of the university supervisor for all five days of the week for the full semester, with the exception of about ten seminar days.
Of high priority in the TAMUC field-based teacher preparation program are opportunities for the Preservice Teachers (PSTs) to practice their craft in classrooms with diverse student populations including English Language Learners (ELLs), Special Needs students, students in poverty and students from different socio-economic backgrounds. TAMUC wants PSTs to see the best practices of inclusion and “Response to Intervention” in action. Further, in order to meet the needs of the 5.3 million English learners in our public schools, the Department of Curriculum and Instruction requires PSTs to engage with the effective principles and practices that support English learners. Those seeking ESL supplemental certification learn theories, laws, and effective literacy and assessment practices. Those seeking bilingual certification complete three additional courses where they learn and apply in more depth best practices for bilingual learners.
Preservice Teachers (PSTs) seeking EC-6 and 4-8 certificates work in at least three different classrooms during their preparation program. The final year they work alongside two mentor teachers in different grade levels or content areas. Secondary level PSTs work with carefully selected teachers in the content area (English, Math, Sciences, etc.) for which they are seeking certification. The criteria for mentor selection includes the mentor’s education and certification in the desired field, documentation of effective teaching, collaborative recommendation of the principal and university liaison, and completion of mentor training. After training and in collaboration with the university supervisor, mentors provide daily feedback both informally in classroom conversations and through the formal structure of the Instructional Leadership Team.
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those unable to read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” - Alvin Toffler
TAMUC’s field-based teacher education program promotes ongoing learning through many avenues, including assessing learning outcomes through various measures, including passing rates on the TExES exams and state certification exams, which have remained high over time. Of utmost importance is the professional development that occurs through the feedback and collaboration of the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT). In this setting, the PreK-12 mentor teacher in the school and the university supervisor provide cognitive coaching through discussion around the student’s instruction and the resulting public school students’ work. To the extent that the quality of teaching is the most important contributor in student learning, the imperative to improve that learning translates into a need to increase practices known to improve teacher learning:
Reflection on practice
Professional conversations
Through focused conversations about teaching, teachers are enabled to “think deeply” about their craft and work in relation to student learning. Teacher conversations may have the greatest potential to affect practice. These collegial conversations happen within the ILTs and beyond.