TechTeach Across Texas One Year Fast-Track Program
TechTeach Across Texas One Year Fast-Track Program
Ready to apply to a teacher preparation program? See all of your steps in one place.
With interactive checklists, you get a step-by-step plan for applying to your top-choice undergraduate, graduate or certification-only teaching programs.
Have questions? Schedule an advising call with a TEACH DFW coach.
Check off steps as you move through the application process.
Get notified about approaching deadlines via email or text
Complete your applications and submit them before the deadline.
TechTeach Across Texas One Year Fast-Track Program
TechTeach Across Texas One Year Fast-Track Program
Texas Tech University
TechTeach 2+1 Fast Track Undergraduate Transfer
Texas Woman's University
Undergraduate Transfer Program
The University of Texas at Arlington
College of Education
The University of Texas at Dallas
Undergraduate Certification
University of North Texas - Denton
Undergraduate Certification in EC - 6 core subjects
University of North Texas at Dallas
B.S. in Education with Teacher Certification
University of North Texas at Dallas
Emerging Teacher Institute for Current UNT Dallas Undergrads
Dallas Teacher Residency
Postbaccalaureate with initial teacher certification Master of Education in the Arts of Teaching
Relay Graduate School of Education
Teaching Residency Program
Southern Methodist University
Masters of Education with Certification Preparation
Teach For America - Dallas-Fort Worth
Teach For America Dallas-Fort Worth
Texas Woman's University
Master's of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Program
The University of Texas at Arlington
Master of Education in Teaching with teacher certification (M.Ed.T.)
University of North Texas - Denton
Post Baccalaureate Certification for Secondary Education
University of North Texas at Dallas
Curriculum and Instruction M.Ed. with Certification OR Alt. Certification only
Ana G. Mendez University
Alternative Certification Program
Dallas ISD Alternative Certification
Dallas ISD Alternative Certification Program
Region 10 ESC
Region 10 Teacher Certification Program
Strong Teachers Day One: Residency Program
Strong Teachers Day One: Bilingual - English/Spanish Residency Program
Texas Woman's University
Certification-Only Program
The University of Texas at Dallas
Post-Baccalaureate Certification
When you're applying to different programs, application requirements can get muddled. That's why we keep all your application checklists in one spot, so you can take a break when you need to and come back to them later. Here's to staying organized!
Have questions about the different programs or the application process? Sign up to talk to a coach. It's free!
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